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Líneas del Sur is a premium membership tailored to connect passionate Spanish-speaking readers. Immerse yourself in the rich literary tapestry of Latin America, forging connections with fellow book enthusiasts, exploring fresh voices from the region, and enjoying shared moments of literary conversations.
Join today and be part of a community that celebrates unique voices!
We believe that books from Latin America have a lot to say about the world we live in. Together, we are building an exciting place for discovery, exchange, and growth.
How it worksYou will be able to share your thoughts and experiences with like-minded readers in a varied array of get-togethers, both online and in person.
Meet usWe choose young authors with powerful voices writing about subjects we care about. They know how to reach us, no matter which language we speak or where we live.
See our selection¿Y si las cosas no fueran como son? ¿Y si fueran de otra manera? Uno puede plantearse estos interrogantes, imaginar otros escenarios, crear historias alternativas; cuando sabe cómo son las cosas, cuando todo parece claro, tangible. Pero si no lo sabe, si lo desconoce, se ve obligado a armar un relato con los fragmentos que encuentra: trozos dispersos, piezas extraviadas de un rompecabezas. Con paciencia, se intenta ensamblar esos fragmentos para crear un mapa que conduzca a la historia familiar, que permita comprender. Solo cuando nos animamos a hacer ciertas preguntas para trazar el mapa de nuestra genealogía, podemos salir del relato armado por lo que únicamente vemos, por lo superficial.
Jess Villar
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All our books are published by small houses from Latin America, who play a very important role in upholding cultural diversity in their countries. They cannot be found in regular bookstores, so be sure to get them with us!